Học bổng Tiến sĩ về Communications & Networking tại Đại học Dankook

Bấm vào quảng cáo để ủng hộ Hàn Quốc Ngày Nay

There is one full-time Researcher and Ph.D. position available in the Communications & Networking (CNN) Lab.
I’m seeking a highly self-motivated person who majored in Computer Science and Information Technology.
Our research focuses primarily on the following but not limited to:
– Big data analytics
– Online social networks analysis
– Machine learning
– Information theory
– Wireless communications
– Signal/image processing

In addition, I would like to mention some extraordinary benefits in the CNN lab.
1. The base monthly salary for a full-time researcher or a Ph.D. student is KRW 1,000,000 (approximately 1,000 USD).
2. Competitive incentive based on journal publications depending on the tier of journals will also be provided as follows.
3. The on-campus dormitory will be offered for a Ph.D. student.
4. Once the person who applied for the full-time Researcher position is a Master Degree holder and showed a significant achievement in the CNN lab, an admission to the Ph.D. program in the lab will be guaranteed.
5. Brand-new facilities such as a high-performance personal desktop computer, laptop, wireless printer, etc. will be offered.
6. An opportunity to attend a famed international conference at least once per year will be surely given.
7. Overseas project participation with famed research groups through a short-term visit will be given.

Note that the CNN lab is a purely research-oriented laboratory aiming at conducting the world-class research.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please feel free to contact Prof. Won-Yong Shin at wyshin_at_dankook.ac.kr.
Please send me your CV only for application. I’m going to personally request the rest of documents such as a research statement (free format, limited to one page), a certificate of an official English test, and transcripts, etc. later.
Detailed information can also be found at https://sites.google.com/site/cnldankook