Học bổng tiến sĩ về Industrial & Management Systems Engineering tại Dong-A University

Bấm vào quảng cáo để ủng hộ Hàn Quốc Ngày Nay

Phd in Quality engineering Lab, Department of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering, Dong-A University, Korea
Professor Sangmun Shin, Quality engineering Lab, Department of Industrial & Management System Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea would like to recruit PhD positions (Vietnamese student) for the Fall semester 2015.
Financial support:
+ For PhD position: 800.000 won/month + international conference support (2) + extra money depends on your efficiency.
+ GPA over 7.5.
+ Language Scores: Ielts >= 5.0; Topik >= 4; Toefl >= 500; CBT >= 173; iBT >= 61; TEPS >= 500;
(In case: Your English score is below the above requirement, please also contact me to deal)
+ Good at Statistics, Optimization, Programming (Matlab)
Tuition fee:
+ Dong-A University and professor will support
Research Direction:
+ Robust design
+ Robust design + Statistics
+ Robust design + Forecasting
+ Robust design + Reliability
Candidates should submit:
+ Curriculum vitae
+ Transcript and certificates (Bachelor, Master)
+ Language certificate
Deadline for application: 15th July 2015
For more detail, please contact me via email: letuanhoqnu@gmail.com
P/S: + Welcome all of you and hearing from all of you.