Học bổng Thạc sĩ, Tiến sĩ của trường SeoulTech

Bấm vào quảng cáo để ủng hộ Hàn Quốc Ngày Nay

SeoulTech là một trong các trường đại học quốc gia của Hàn Quốc. Được thành lập năm 1910, Seoul tọa lạc tại quận Nowon, phía Bắc thủ đô Seoul, Hàn Quốc.

SeoulTech có tên đầy đủ là Seoul National University of Science and Technology, tiếng Hàn là 서울과학기술대학교. Nhiều bạn có thể nhầm lẫn SeoulTech với hai trường khác có tên gần giống đó là trường Seoul National University (SNU – 서울대학교), một trong ba trường đứng đầu Hàn Quốc, và trường Seoul National University of Education (SNUE – 서울교육대학교).

Thông tin học bổng:

Ph.D & M.S. Scholarship in Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) / Computer Science (CS) / IT Convergence (ITC), Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech), Seoul, South Korea

Ph.D & M.S. Scholarship Opportunity
Faculties in the Department of EIE / CS / ITC are looking for highly motivated full-time Ph.D & M.S. students interested in conducting cutting-edge research in telecommunications, wireless systems and device.

– The chosen Ph.D & M.S. candidates will be enrolled as full-time graduate students starting from March 2018.
– The position is fully funded including a tuition waiver and competitive monthly salary.
– The main research directions of the group are
[Subgroup 1] Wireless Communications & Networking: wireless communications and computer networking including cellular networks, IoT communications, MIMO systems, multimedia services (VR/AR), etc.
[Subgroup 2] Devices and Systems for Wireless Communications and Biomedical Applications: RF component & antenna design, RF/Analog/Biomedical/Power integrated circuit & system design.

Application Procedure
An interested applicant selects either subgroup (or both) based on his or her research plan and emails the scanned copy of the following to the corresponding contact point by August 24, 2017.
1. Detailed CV in English
2. Official transcripts of previously attended undergraduate & graduate institutions
3. Certificate of TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC score if available

Thông tin liên hệ:

Contact Information of Subgroups
[Subgroup 1] Wireless Communications & Networking: wcn.seoultech@gmail.com
[Subgroup 2] Devices and Systems for Wireless Communications and Biomedical Applications: rf.seoultech@gmail.com

Further Information
– SeoulTech website: http://en.seoultech.ac.kr
– Intelligent Systems Research Group website: http://sites.google.com/site/isysseoultech